Sizzling Sunday #4

Hello! I apologize for the late blog post but better late than never right? I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday and enjoyed the sunshine. Today’s sizzling Sunday meal is a mix of breakfast favorites. Today we had scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, sliced turkey and wild berry muffin slices. It was simple and filling and…

Sizzling Sundays #3

Hello All! I hope everyone has had a great and relaxing weekend. Today’s Sizzling Sunday meal will be Kielbasa! We had a lot of rice leftover from dinner last night so I had the idea of cooking some turkey kielbasa and putting it over the rice and I was the perfect dinner! I sauteed the…

Sizzling Sunday #2

Good afternoon! Today’s sizzling Sunday is all about the grill. I love grilled food and since the weather has been consistently beautiful the past couple of days, grilling while enjoying the weather and each others company was the perfect Sunday treat. My boyfriend made barbecue chicken legs with corn and peppers and it all melted…