Simple Baked Caesar Chicken

Hello! I stumbled across this incredibly easy recipe for Caesar chicken on Pinterest. I was in search for something new that wouldn’t require me to buy a lot of different ingredients, if any at all. When I saw the recipe I was ecstatic because I already had Caesar dressing and chicken thighs. I washed the…

Building A Healthy Meal

Hello! Today’s blog will be about building healthy meals. I saw this handout on and thought that it was a great tool that everyone can use to make their meals a little healthier. The handout includes 10 helpful steps to successfully building a healthy meal. Link to handout. Tip #1: Make half your plate…

Simple Nutritious Dinner

Hello! I just wanted to share my dinner from last night with you all because it was very good but also very nutritious. I haven’t had fish in a while so I decided to pick up some wild caught salmon from Walmart while I was out, along with some other staple groceries for the week….

Wellness Wednesday #4: Homemade Comfort Food

Good Afternoon! Today’s Wellness Wednesday is about homemade comfort. Pizza is a food that everyone loves and I feel that there is a pizza for everyone no matter your eating preferences. It’s also a food that I would love to eat all the time but unfortunately I can’t consciously do that. I love to cook…

Sizzling Sunday #4

Hello! I apologize for the late blog post but better late than never right? I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday and enjoyed the sunshine. Today’s sizzling Sunday meal is a mix of breakfast favorites. Today we had scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, sliced turkey and wild berry muffin slices. It was simple and filling and…

Sizzling Sundays #3

Hello All! I hope everyone has had a great and relaxing weekend. Today’s Sizzling Sunday meal will be Kielbasa! We had a lot of rice leftover from dinner last night so I had the idea of cooking some turkey kielbasa and putting it over the rice and I was the perfect dinner! I sauteed the…